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Restoration Brings You Sturdy Results

Coif Fort Bliss TX

Your enamel is the hardest substance in the body, but that does not mean it is invincible. There are risks to your teeth through both decay and trauma, so the ongoing maintenance of your mouth is vital. Even with diligent brushing and flossing, sometimes you might need additional help to keep your teeth safe. At Fort Bliss Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, we are here for your tooth restoration needs.

For the repair of one or more of your existing natural teeth, you might also wonder about the lasting stability associated with the procedure. After all, if you are looking for a restorative process, you would like the solution to be one that you can trust when you chew. Being proactive in your care allows you to tackle your condition head on, so take the time to speak with a trusted dental health provider about your needs.

Damage Can Happen, Control Your Response

A broken tooth can happen to just about anyone, and at nearly any time. Where you do have power is in your ability to handle the situation. It is helpful to learn the basics of first aid related to a dental emergency, so that you have the knowledge you need.

The first moments after a break can be pivotal; be sure to gather your missing material and safely head to an emergency dentist. Time is of the essence, so do not put this off! After the first day, repair becomes more difficult using your own natural tissue. Make the effort in seeing a qualified professional after you suffer a break.

Treat Your Condition Before It Worsens

Your enamel is the hard external surface of your teeth, and it serves as a barrier for the more vulnerable material underneath. When you crack or break a tooth, you can lose this security, allowing bacterial growth within the structure itself. This can lead to a serious toothache and require a procedure to correct. Address your enamel damage before infection has an opportunity to take hold.

Dental crowns are one form of repair that uses a durable cap to strengthen your existing tooth material. These are often used in conjunction with a root canal therapy procedure, but can also be helpful before you begin to suffer pain. Feel more confident in your bite through the repair of your broken or cracked tooth.

Discuss Your Repair Needs With Fort Bliss Family Dentistry

For the treatment of a broken or infected tooth, reach out to a trusted provider, Speak with Fort Bliss Family Dentistry in Fort Bliss, TX at (915)895-3678 to schedule an appointment or for more information. Our team is here for your needs in the El Paso area, so give us a call!