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Dental Implants

A Permanent Solution For Missing Teeth

A missing tooth needs to be replaced as soon as possible. Whether you’ve had a tooth extracted for medical reasons or you’ve lost one due to external trauma, it is paramount that you fill in the gap. When you are missing a tooth, your jaw doesn’t receive proper stimulation from chewing and biting, which can lead to a loss of bone density. When it is severe enough, this can even cause your face to sink. This is why it is so important to fill in the space. Dentures and dental bridges are great options, but a dental implant is a permanent solution.

Understanding Implants

Dental implants are titanium posts that are set through your gum, into your jaw,  and over time will fuse with your jawbone. This gives your prosthetic a life-like, permanent feel. Because the implant post stimulates your jaw, your bone density will remain strong, and you will be able to chew normally.

You Have Options

Not only can we provide you with implants, but we can do your extraction and provide implants in a single day! We can also restore your existing implants. Same-day implants are great because it can be difficult to schedule multiple trips to the dentist and have several recovery periods. When you have your extraction and receive an implant in just one day, you never have to put up with a gap; rather, you can have a full smile quickly and only need to recover once

Schedule Your Dental Implants Today

If you have a missing tooth or need to have one extracted, it is in your best interest to get an implant as soon as possible. To learn more about implants, you can schedule an appointment at Fort Bliss Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX. We are located on Fort Bliss and are here for anyone with access to the base.