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Bruxism Treatment

Understanding Bruxism

Bruxism, or persistent teeth grinding, often occurs at night and those who suffer from it are frequently unaware it is happening. It can be caused by stress or because of a jaw misalignment. Because it mostly happens at night and occurs unconsciously, many don’t realize they are grinding their teeth until damage has already taken place. Bruxism can cause chips, cracks, and forced misalignment. If it isn’t treated in a timely manner, you could require restorative procedures like dental crowns to help repair your teeth.

How We Treat Bruxism

If you suffer from bruxism, we can make a customized mouthguard to wear while you sleep. It is designed to meet the exact specifications of your smile, so it fits comfortably and snugly in your mouth. You only wear it while you sleep, and it will protect your teeth from grinding and clenching. Because it is custom-made for your unique needs, you will quickly become used to sleeping with it.

Schedule Your Bruxism Treatment

When you suffer from chronic teeth grinding, it is important to treat it right away. If you think you have bruxism or have noticed unexplained damage to your teeth, contact us as soon as possible. You can schedule an appointment at Fort Bliss Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX today. We are located on Fort Bliss and are here for anyone with access to the base.