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Treat Your Bruxism For A Better Night of Sleep

Waking up happy Fort Bliss TX

If you struggle with overnight teeth grinding, you are certainly not alone. Your grinding, clenching, or gnashing falls under the category of bruxism when it becomes chronic, and this term is important to remember. This is a common condition among people of all ages and genders, and unfortunately, it can cause serious damage to your smile if left untreated.

When you are looking for a way to improve your sleep quality and protect your teeth from enamel erosion, talk to Fort Bliss Family Dentistry about your available forms of treatment. At our dental office in Fort Bliss, TX, we can help you to understand your condition and take positive steps in reaching a therapy solution that works for you. With the use of a slim, BPA-free mouthguard that you wear during sleep, you can prevent your teeth from touching overnight. Talk to our team about an oral appliance to treat your chronic sleep bruxism!

Do You Wake Up With A Sore Jaw? It May Be Bruxism

When you wake up in the morning, do you struggle to start your day due to headaches or jaw pain? This may be a sign that you have started to experience sleep bruxism. This is a common sleep disorder in this country, but even with its prevalence, some people avoid seeking treatment for their condition. Be aware that bruxism can cause serious damage to your smile, however, and reach out to your dentist to learn more about your options in finding a course of therapy that works for you.

Your teeth grinding can affect your smile in two primary ways. The contact between your teeth can lead to the loss of tiny bits of your enamel, and over time, those add up. Enamel erosion can give you shorter or stubby teeth, so if you have started to see a change in your smile, it may be due to your bruxism. In addition, your nightly grinding can shift your alignment!

An Oral Appliance Helps You Keep Your Smile Safe

If your dentist has given you a diagnosis of sleep bruxism, take some time to learn about your possible options in treatment. With a simple night guard, you can prevent your teeth from contact during your nightly rest. Simply wear your BPA-free mouthguard overnight and start to protect your smile. This method of treatment can also help you to reach a better night of sleep if your bruxism affects your rest.

Learn More About Appliance-Based Bruxism Treatment

When you want to experience a better night of sleep while protecting your smile, talk to our team about bruxism treatment. For more information about oral appliance therapy, give us a call at Fort Bliss Family Dentistry in Fort Bliss, TX at (915)895-3678!