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Treating Cavities With Biocompatible Fillings

fort bliss dental fillings

When you have a cavity, a filling could be used to treat the decay and prevent the onset of an infection or the loss of a tooth. But instead of traditional metal fillings, we offer a metal-free composite resin. In today’s blog, your Fort Bliss, TX, dentist talks about protecting smiles with our lifelike and biocompatible fillings.

The Causes and Warning Signs of Tooth Decay

A cavity occurs when harmful oral bacteria meet the dentin, the sensitive structure that makes up most of your tooth’s interior. This is possible when the protective outer enamel is compromised, which could happen due to plaque and tartar brought on by poor oral hygiene, or as a result of injury or teeth grinding. As the decay grows and expands, this could cause tooth sensitivity when you eat or drink, or a toothache. Lack of care then enables the decay to become an infection, one that could threaten the stability of your tooth. Don’t ignore pain in a tooth, see our team right away!

Placing a Composite Resin Restoration

To decide if you need a dental filling, our team will first examine the smile to assess the cause and severity of your tooth decay. We then plan treatment in detail. If you need a restoration, we will prepare the material, a metal-free composite resin we shade to blend with the tooth. We then remove decay and clean the tooth before applying the material in several layers. Once in place, we will be able to shape the tooth as the composite resin cures under a light. We then polish the tooth to ensure a brighter appearance and make it more difficult for plaque and tartar to adhere to the surfaces of the tooth in between cleaning visits.

Keeping Cavities at Bay

A dental filling stops the cavity and brings relief, but we want to also offer tips to avoid the onset of cavities completely. For example, be sure you brush in the morning and at night for two minutes with a fluoride toothpaste, keeping your enamel strong. Floss every evening before you brush that second time to reach what a toothbrush cannot. Try to reduce how much sugar and starch is in your diet, and also make time to see our team for a checkup and cleaning every six months!

If you have any questions about how to avoid cavities, or if you have an aching tooth that needs a filling, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence again!


You can call Fort Bliss Family Dentistry in Texas at 915-895-3678. to book treatment and receive treatment for your cavity that keeps your smile bright!