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How A Root Canal Stops Discomfort

fort bliss root canal

A dental infection means the onset of major discomfort and over time, the risk of a missing tooth. But our team can offer care to treat the issue and protect your smile. In today’s blog, your Fort Bliss, TX, dentist talks about how we treat and save an infected tooth with a root canal procedure.

The Discomfort of an Infected Tooth

An infection occurs when the pulp, your tooth’s nerve center, is exposed to harmful oral bacteria. This could occur as a result of an untreated cavity, which spreads through the tooth. Teeth grinding or an injury to the tooth could be responsible too. When a tooth develops severe decay and infections, you could experience pain when you bite down or chew, or a persistent toothache. Swelling near the tooth, a discharge from the tooth, or pain in the face, jaw, or ears, could occur as well. Don’t ignore persistent tooth pain, talk to our team about treating your infection and saving your tooth from being lost!

Ensuring Your Comfort

Our team will plan the procedure in detail, assess the position and severity of the infection with digital x-rays images, which are available instantly chairside and don’t require bitewings. These also use 90% less radiation! Once we can plan the treatment in detail, our team will next administer a local numbing agent to keep you comfortable during treatment. If you have dental anxiety or special needs, our team can offer sedation to help you enter a deep state of calm and relaxation, so your treatment is a positive experience.

Root Canal Therapy

When the time comes for your root canal, once you are comfortable, we will open the tooth. We then remove the tissues from within and clean the inside of the tooth thoroughly. The next step is to add a special restorative material known as gutta percha to fill the inside of the tooth. The last step is to cap the tooth with a crown, one that is custom-made for your smile to ensure a comfortable fit and a balanced bite. We often use materials like ceramic, so the tooth can be shaded to bend with your tooth and offer a lifelike appearance.

You can then protect your smile from future decay or infection with daily brushing and flossing, a healthier diet, and visits for checkups and cleanings every six months. If you have any questions about how we diagnose and treat dental infections with a root canal procedure, then contact our team today to learn more.


You can call Fort Bliss Family Dentistry in Texas at 915-895-3678. to book treatment and receive treatment for your advanced tooth decay or infected teeth.