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Tackle A Dental Emergency Calmly

Scrubs Fort Bliss TX

Rarely do people plan to break or crack a tooth. But accidents do happen, and when they do, it’s best to handle them as quickly as possible. Of course, rushing things can do more damage than good as well.

With that in mind, the more preparation you can do now can help you immensely when the time comes. Whether it’s your own teeth or that of a loved one, this knowledge can help you remain calm in times of distress.

Today, your Fort Bliss, TX dentist touches on some helpful (and not so helpful) steps to take in a time of a dental emergency.

Read more: Tackle A Dental Emergency Calmly

Safety Is Paramount

First thing’s first: if you feel your injury might be life-threatening, go directly to the emergency room. Your immediate health is most important in any situation. If you cannot control the bleeding in the mouth, an emergency room is the safest course of action. If necessary, they will even be able to administer transfusions.

Beyond dental work, the ER is equipped with all the necessary tools for traumatic injuries. Some people who live in more rural areas might need to use this option, as well, if outside dental hours.

Make sure that you are examined by a doctor for any injuries of the head or neck, as well. Sophisticated imagery like x-rays and CAT scans are available there, as well.

Assess The Situation

Assuming this event does not require a trip to the emergency room, it’s time to take stock of the situation. Take a second to breathe, as increased anxiety may cause missteps. 

Firstly, gather as many pieces of tooth or surrounding tissue as you possibly can find. The more recovered material that you find, the more tools the dentist has in recreating your smile. Rinse these off in clean water to try to limit bacterial growth.

If your tooth fits back in its socket, wash it off, then place it back. Try to maintain it in its natural location until you see a dentist. If this is not possible, a cup of milk or saltwater is the best way to transport these items. Note that plain water can actually do more damage to the tissue, so avoid that.

Move Swiftly

Maintaining limits on bleeding is important, as well. Find a clean piece of cloth and bite directly down on it. Cotton gauze is ideal, and it is a good thing to keep in your home for all emergencies.

Next, get to the dentist as quickly and safely as possible. Speed increases the likelihood of dental success and expands the options available to patients. The mouth heals quicker than most parts of the body, so any action on the teeth succeeds at a higher rate when sooner.

Come See Us Today!

If you are in need of dental repairs, do not wait any longer. Call the staff at Fort Bliss Family Dentistry in Fort Bliss, TX today at (915)895-3678 and schedule an appointment!