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Back-To-School Should Include A Cleaning

Backpack Fort Bliss TX

As hard as it is to believe, the summer seems to be on the downswing. While the weather might remain hot for quite some time, the kids will be back in their seats at school before you know it.

And that makes this a perfect time for you to have your children in for a visit in order to have an examination and a cleaning. The schedule becomes instantly hectic once the summer vacation ends, so call us today to make an appointment so that you can ensure you follow through on the task.

Today, your Fort Bliss, TX dentist explains why this is a great time of year for your routine oral health maintenance!

From Routine To Ritual

Many things associated with children going back to school are viewed as rituals by the students. There is an expression of accomplishment every time they start a new grade. Maybe they even start a new school!

Because of this, if you are able to relate a scheduled cleaning and examination as a part of the package, it means reframing the dentist as a chore to a task. And then afterward, there is a deeper sense of accomplishment!

With all the new backpacks and other school supplies, there are many situations where rather droll errands can become exciting. Allow their oral health to be a part of that!

Firm Schedules Aid Healthy Mouths

If you have children, then you know how frenzied your schedule can become. With this, we instinctively push aside matters that aren’t set firmly. Playdates, visits with old friends who are in town, whatever it may be. If there isn’t something set directly into the calendar, it just might wind up overlooked.

That is just the nature of the beast, and it is important to make sure that you place your regular examination as an important activity. We know it isn’t as fun as a day at the water park, but you’ll thank us in the long run. Visiting the dentist often means that we are able to spot any potential problems as soon as we can. Prevention is always better than trying to correct after the fact.

Common Issues In Children

Tooth decay is one of the primary things we look for during your exam, and the earlier we can protect your teeth, the better. Children often ignore their brushing, sometimes going to great lengths to hide their avoidance. So even the knowledge of a visit can keep them more focused on their at-home oral health routine.

By giving us knowledge of the mouth’s history, as well, we are able to monitor the growth of adult teeth. This is a crucial time in their mouth’s development, and by allowing us to see change over time can give us more tools to help.

We also look at their gums, to make sure there isn’t any recession, or if the gum has overgrown the gumline. If so, we can plan solutions for their periodontal health, and track the progress.

Call Us Today!

Make sure that when you schedule for your children that you set aside time for your cleaning and examination as well. Call the staff at Fort Bliss Family Dentistry in Fort Bliss, TX today at (915)895-3678 and schedule an appointment!