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A Beautiful Smile At Any Age With Clear Aligners

Beard Fort Bliss

Alignment concerns are one of the most common issues that we see in American dental offices, and around the world. People may view this as an age-specific concern, but it affects those of all ages, and for different reasons. This view, however, may lead people to put off seeking treatment for this issue, if they feel they are outside that window.

Traditional braces are noticeable to the public, so the idea of having them while in a professional setting may be offputting. But there is a solution that can help you correct alignment subtly, without anyone else knowing. Today, your Fort Bliss dentist explains how Clear Aligners alignment treatment can bring your smile’s alignment into order with less struggle, effort, and attention!

Keep It To Yourself

One of the biggest advantages of clear aligner technology from Clear Aligners is the secrecy in which you can correct your alignment. The goal of orthodontics is the movement of your teeth within your jaw, not to broadcast this fact to the rest of the world.

Often, patients can feel ashamed or embarrassed by their alignment concerns, but this is a very common issue. The main thing is that we should address things boldly. This is fantastic preventive care for many, as well. Overcrowding and gaps can leave you particularly susceptible to bacterial infection. There are often areas that are difficult to brush, or even the development of cracks in the enamel are a possibility.

No longer will you need to cover your mouth when you eat. And bring your smile back to life, as well! You should not have to limit the quality of your life on account of your oral health. This process also allows you to maintain as much of your own natural matter as possible. This can be important in older mouths, who may have other concerns beyond simple alignment.

The Process Is Simple

All of the technology with our clear aligners comes from the simplicity of orthodontics. Slowly moving the teeth within your jaw allows for trained oral health professionals to drastically improve smiles. Traditional braces use cement onto the enamel, pulling the teeth into proper situation.

But this new technique instead uses trays that are similar to a retainer or a mouthguard, but very thin and clear. We 3D print these to fit your mouth and you will change them out routinely. Progressively, these trays will become closer to the correct placement of your dental structures until we reach the goal.

These are worn almost the entirety of the day, minus a few exceptions. When you are eating or brushing your teeth, you will remove them. But during sleep or most other occasions, these will remain in your mouth. You can see changes very soon!


If you’re struggling with the alignment of your teeth, don’t wait. Call the staff at Fort Bliss Family Dentistry in Fort Bliss, TX today at (915)895-3678 and schedule an appointment!