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Schedule Your Examination Now, Avoid The Holiday Rush

Vet Fam Fort Bliss TX

The holiday season can certainly become hectic! It seems like after Thanksgiving, the end of the year is a nonstop barrage of time-exhaustive events. But it is important that even with a busy schedule, that you maintain your oral health, which includes regular cleanings and examinations. It might feel easy to put these off, but regular maintenance is vital in keeping your smile as strong and beautiful as possible.

Setting strict schedules with routine maintenance can pay off significantly in the end. Preventive care is by far the most effective way to keep your smile healthy. Here at your Fort Bliss, TX dental office, we can take this time to ensure that you’re walking in to the family gathering with confidence and pride! Schedule your whole family and make a disciplined tradition of strong oral health!

There’s No Substitution For Professional Dentistry

While your daily oral health regimen is incredibly important, you simply cannot give yourself the proper care that you require. The mouth is filled with deep recesses and areas that are difficult to reach. If your smile requires special care due to concerns from your alignment or genetics, this maintenance can be particularly troublesome. The simple fact of the matter is that professional dental cleanings and examinations can help identify issues that you cannot on your own at home.

Beyond the initial removal of debris and tartar, having an experienced set of eyes on your smile can be invaluable. In adult mouths, issues such as decay and periodontal disease are very common. Periodontal disease refers to the infection and inflammation of the gum tissue, and over 40% of American adults struggle with this concern. By locating areas where bacteria start to develop, an exam may help you to avoid a gum grafting surgery in the future!

Care For The Whole Family

A very positive habit for the health of your loved ones is scheduling your routine cleanings and examinations together. You might find that going all at once to get a haircut or to go shopping can make the experience go by a little smoother. By setting a concrete time of the year for dental visits, it can instill strong dental values in your children.

The dentist can be overwhelming for little ones, as well. After all, there can be loud noises, and kids are less accustomed to taking care of routine health errands. When you are there for an examination alongside your children, you can show them that the situation is not one to be feared. Being together can also help pass the time!

Proudly Caring For The Fort Bliss Community

Regular visits to the dentist can help you to keep your smile looking and feeling great. To schedule an appointment at Fort Bliss Family Dentistry, give us a call at (915)895-3678, and come in for your routine cleaning and examination. We look forward to seeing you and your loved ones!